Saturday, March 26, 2011

Looking back

I have realized over the past three years,that my life has changed a lot. The bus has been sold, and I am no longer in possession of a motorized vehicle. Nor do I live in the United States of America. I almost wish I chosen I different name so I could continue writing about my adventures, if not for others to read, but for me to have as memoirs. Revisiting this blog I have noticed that I was missing some excellent interior shots, which I took in preparation for the sale of the bus. I must say that as much as we make efforts to try and free ourselves we can end up tying ourselves down more. The bus was an amazing adventure, but the financial responsibility did not allow me to be free. As I think I am still paying off part of the trip, two years later. This is moment in my life combined with my move to Europe have given me the insight that less can often times be more, true I still have expenses, but my bike is a drop in the bucket. In fact one oil in the bus would have bought me my bicycle. I am now gearing up for a 600km long bike trip on The Camino de Santiago here in Spain. I wish I had several months like I did in the bus, but I should get an idea of the difference in traveling around. If I enjoy myself who knows, maybe Europe to Asia. That would be cool.

So here you go, anyone who may com e across this blog, or still get notices.


Unknown said...

How are you living without vehicles? I never can imagine that.
School bus repair here.

Stefany w. said...

Awesome work! Hope you enjoy the GrooveBird!